These are my characters that I use to represent me or some part of me! I currently have three different fursonas, each with a different purpose. Click on each ref sheet to view it in a larger size.


This is my fursona that I use to represent me as a whole, or my "truesona" if you will. While my other sonas tend to be used for more roleplay-esque purposes, this is the one I actually tend to treat as if I'm looking in a mirror.


This is Sprimkle!! I use her to represent my inner child. I also use her whenever I wanna engage in any sparklefur or scenecore-type stuff. I like to depict her in environments that are fun and whimsical or come across as nostalgic, but if you see them used in vent art they usually represent a desire to return to some prior point in my life when things were seemingly easier or when I had something I hadn't seemingly lost yet. And yes, her name comes from that "ranibow sprimkle" meme.


And finally we have Fuzzpurius. I created him because "FuzzyFoe" has been the handle I've been going by online for so long, and I thought I should create a character who actually kind of fits that vibe, or is a "fuzzy foe" so to say. His function is a bit more akin to that of a mascot, and he represents my online presence moreso than he represents how I act irl. Fun Fact: I came up with his name by combining the word "fuzz" with the latin name "Spurius", not only because latin words are often associated with demonic entities but also because "Spurius" was once thought to mean "bastard" and I thought that was funny.